As mentioned before, the piano chords sound to distorted. I don't like the chord progressions, but at least it's better than the generic ones. The main melody is drowned by the chords and the drums, which is rather disappointing. As always, however, you excel at making melodies once again. The beat isn't repetitive to me, it's got a fair amount of variation and does the job. The distortion is REALLY killing the song, it's gotten annoying.
The thing near 3:34 sounded so out of place and random, it's almost ridiculous. Then I realized it's a flute, and a very ugly one, not to mention that it's the first time I hear flute in a jazzy piece. Ditch that because it messes up the whole song, a sax would have sounded way better, but good samples are hard to find. I hear some out-of-key parts, but that may just be my imagination or the headphones I'm using. It's still annoying.
Excellent ideas in the song but the execution was sub-par compared to the rest of your stuff. I also noticed a lack of proper mastering, all the sounds sound centered. With some polishing, this track could sound as good as your other ones. Regardless, decent job, keep it up.
-Review Request Club-